Youth and Terrorism
The book Youth and Terrorism is a study and analysis of resolutions from the simulated United Nations (MUN) at the global level. These are resolutions that appear from a group of young people from all over the world based on the political positions and values of the countries they represent.
The young participants use as a tool the research they have done, the "innocence" but also the imagination that distinguishes them combined with the awareness of the subject, which comes from extensive research. Terrorism is a global and extremely threatening problem, and the assistance of all of us is necessary. This book is the next generation's contribution to solving the problem. It gathers, analyzes, "decodes" and explains the ideas - proposals of young people who come from different social contexts and have been affected by, experienced or worried about terrorism.
The mayor of Athens, Kostas Bakoyannis, forewords.
Bill Michalis was born 1st of May 2002 in Athens, Greece.
He studies at an American university
He is involved with Model United Nations since 2015 and has participated in more than 10 conferences up to now.
He has been practicing Karate for 13 years, sailing for 8 years and wants to study and explore the world of International Relations and Politics.
Κρανιάς Γιάννης
store owner
Ξεκινήσαμε τις εκδόσεις σαν hobby, το hobby χωρίς να το καταλάβουμε, από το 2008 μέχρι σήμερα, μετατράπηκε σε πάνω από 300 τίτλους και συνεχίζουμε...