A story of mystery and love written by Nikolaos Palamidas. A story that started on an ordinary Saturday night in a bar in Oropos.
After an evening she barely remembered, Anna woke up to find a blindingly beautiful and extremely expensive ring in her purse. This ring and a photo of her with an unknown man is the beginning of a story full of surprises and twists.
Who put that ring in her purse and why? Who is the man in the photograph? The search for answers upends Anna’s life as she knew it up until that point. Leads her to another world. Causes well-hidden secrets and lies to come tragically to the surface.
Until Anna finds all the answers, lives are lost, loves are born…
In her new life, the ring that brought so many beautiful changes, is now unnecessary...
Nikos Palamidas was born in 1979 in Athens and grew up in Oropos, Attica, where he completed his studies. Accounting graduate, studied music. He speaks four languages fluently. Loves traveling and his passion is history.
He lives and works in England, in the field of catering. His love for literature began in his childhood, as his mother introduced him to the work of Greek writers. In 2021 Atechnos Editions published the detective novel “Score settling in Aegean” and in 2022 “The girl in the photograph” and “The friend”.
Κρανιάς Γιάννης
store owner
Ξεκινήσαμε τις εκδόσεις σαν hobby, το hobby χωρίς να το καταλάβουμε, από το 2008 μέχρι σήμερα, μετατράπηκε σε πάνω από 300 τίτλους και συνεχίζουμε...