What is bound to happen when 17-year-old Eleni, a poor but gifted provincial teenager, is romantically involved with Antonis, a common procurer?How can this mutual love evolve under the shadows of illegality and rivalry? A novel about living in the night, immersed in the lawlessness of human trafficking , the irresistibility of lust, the beauty of Greek nature and the dirty secrets of rural society. However, within the vicious circle of sin and violence, adverse virtuous can also sprout: loyalty, courage, friendship. But are they adequate to redeem the tortured souls? Will the blind goddess of Justice finally punish the offenders? A book that should strictly be read by adults who can stomach the raw, cynical reality of the contemporary world…
My name is Alexandra Angelopoulou and I was born one hot morning in the heart of
summer. My initial studies were in Physiotherapy but soon after my graduation from the
University of Athens I realized that my professional path should be different. Currently, I am
a senior student of postgraduate studies in Communications and New Journalism at the
Open University of Cyprus.
From Monday to Friday I wish you a ‘good morning’ from the studio of Crete FM 87,5 and
my radio programme Black Cat. My career on the radio started in 2012 from the student
station of the National Technical University of Athens and continued on Ert open 106,7 FM
and Atlantis 105,2 FM. My travel in journalism also includes a Sunday morning television
programme with artistic content on High TV.
As a toddler, I loved to make up stories which my dearest late grandfather kept record of.
Later, when I learnt how to write, every drawing I made was accompanied by characters and
dialogues. In my early 20s, I started my baby steps in acting by participating in amateur
theatrical plays and today I perform professionally both in theatre and television.
In my first book, Prisoners of passion, I am going to introduce you to a world immersed in
darkness, sin, guilt but also redemption.
Κρανιάς Γιάννης
store owner
Ξεκινήσαμε τις εκδόσεις σαν hobby, το hobby χωρίς να το καταλάβουμε, από το 2008 μέχρι σήμερα, μετατράπηκε σε πάνω από 300 τίτλους και συνεχίζουμε...